Sound 2010-Present
In this series of work I am experimenting with sounds conducted through a circular membrane. The larger balloons are meant to encapsulate the bass recordings of thunder, while smaller balloons will convey wind and rain sounds. In this case a large 15" speaker is attached to a weather balloon with the circumference of 7'. These ideas were modeled off of Akira Kanayama's work entitled Balloon, 1955. (See also the video section of this site)
In this series of work I am experimenting with sounds conducted through a circular membrane. The larger balloons are meant to encapsulate the bass recordings of thunder, while smaller balloons will convey wind and rain sounds. In this case a large 15" speaker is attached to a weather balloon with the circumference of 7'. These ideas were modeled off of Akira Kanayama's work entitled Balloon, 1955. (See also the video section of this site)
Very Low Frequency (VLF) Recordings of the Magnetosphere
August 6,7, and 12 2012
The magnetosphere is what deflects charged particles and solar wind from the planet thereby creating a shield. Magnetic fields in the magnetosphere arise from the Earth's internal liquid iron core as well as from electric currents that flow in the magnetospheric plasma: the plasma acts as an electromagnet. Magnetic fields from currents that circulate in the magnetospheric plasma extend the Earth's magnetism much further in space than would be predicted from the Earth's internal field alone. Measuring the magnetosphere did not occur until the late 1950’s with the interest in spaceflight and the new technologies mostly brought on by the cold war. This receiver I am using in the photographs, was created by Steven P. Mcgreevy who developed a portable receiver with a whip antenna. The antenna reminds me of a psychic line pointing towards the atmosphere and mimicking the agave stands that you see in some of the photographs.
Due to the electrical interference I was struck by how few places there are left for recording the magnetosphere. Southern California is peppered with cell phone towers, power stations, electrical lines even through the parks. Here I’m talking about Cleveland National Park and Anza-Borrego State Park. Anza-Borrego Desert State Park is the largest state park in California. It includes five hundred miles of dirt roads, 12 wilderness areas and many miles of hiking trails. The park is named for Spanish explorer Juan Bautista de Anza and the Spanish word borrego, or bighorn sheep. The park features wildflowers, palm groves, cacti and a large range of wildlife including: roadrunners, golden eagles, kit foxes, mule deer and bighorn sheep as well as iguanas, chuckwallas and the red diamond rattlesnake.
The state of California is an interesting case in terms of electrical generation - suffering though black and brown-outs that have devastated its economy throughout the 1990's. It is also the case that 2012 was one of the worst for summer droughts on record furthering my interest in a link between the sonic descriptions of the recordings and the changing chemical composition of the atmosphere.
While recording, wildfires were raging just to the north of my position. In the northern part of the Anza-Borrego where I recorded there was evidence that a fire had ravaged some of the vegetation. You can see some of this in the blacked remains on some of the prickly pear and barrel cactus in the photographs. Most of these fires are caused by lightning. With temperatures ranging from 15 degrees at night to 44 degrees during the day the landscape provides the fuel necessary with the wind controlling its spread through the foothills. Colorado Deserts experience very low humidity with the high temperatures of summer.
La magnétosphère est ce qui dévie les particules chargées et le vent solaire de la planète, créant ainsi un bouclier. Les champs magnétiques dans la magnétosphère interne proviennent de la Terre noyau de fer liquide et de courants électriques qui circulent dans le plasma magnétosphérique: le plasma agit comme un électro-aimant. Les champs magnétiques des courants qui circulent dans le plasma magnétosphérique étendre le magnétisme terrestre beaucoup plus loin dans l'espace que ne le prédit à partir du champ interne de la Terre seule.
Californie du Sud est parsemé de tours de téléphonie cellulaire, les centrales électriques, les lignes électriques, même à travers les parcs. Ici je parle de Cleveland National Park et Anza-Borrego State Park. Anza-Borrego Desert State Park est le parc le plus grand État de la Californie. Il comprend cinq cents miles de routes en terre, 12 aires de nature sauvage et de nombreux miles de sentiers de randonnée. Le parc est nommé pour l'explorateur espagnol Juan Bautista de Anza Borrego et le mot espagnol ou le mouflon d'Amérique. Les caractéristiques du parc des fleurs sauvages, des palmeraies, des cactus et une large gamme d'espèces sauvages, notamment: roadrunners, l'aigle royal, le renard, le cerf mulet kit et le mouflon d'Amérique, ainsi que des iguanes, des chuckwallas et le serpent à sonnettes losange rouge.
L'État de Californie est un cas intéressant en termes de production d'électricité Californie souffrent noir et brun-outs ont dévasté son économie dans les années 1990.
Pendant l'enregistrement, les incendies de forêt faisaient rage, juste au nord de ma position. Dans la partie nord de l'Anza-Borrego où j'ai enregistré il y avait des preuves qu'un incendie avait ravagé une partie de la végétation. La plupart de ces incendies sont causés par la foudre. Avec des températures allant de 15 degrés la nuit à 44 degrés pendant la journée le paysage fournit le carburant nécessaire avec le vent contrôle de sa propagation à travers les contreforts. Déserts Colorado expérience humidité très faible aux températures élevées dans l'été.
Due to the electrical interference I was struck by how few places there are left for recording the magnetosphere. Southern California is peppered with cell phone towers, power stations, electrical lines even through the parks. Here I’m talking about Cleveland National Park and Anza-Borrego State Park. Anza-Borrego Desert State Park is the largest state park in California. It includes five hundred miles of dirt roads, 12 wilderness areas and many miles of hiking trails. The park is named for Spanish explorer Juan Bautista de Anza and the Spanish word borrego, or bighorn sheep. The park features wildflowers, palm groves, cacti and a large range of wildlife including: roadrunners, golden eagles, kit foxes, mule deer and bighorn sheep as well as iguanas, chuckwallas and the red diamond rattlesnake.
The state of California is an interesting case in terms of electrical generation - suffering though black and brown-outs that have devastated its economy throughout the 1990's. It is also the case that 2012 was one of the worst for summer droughts on record furthering my interest in a link between the sonic descriptions of the recordings and the changing chemical composition of the atmosphere.
While recording, wildfires were raging just to the north of my position. In the northern part of the Anza-Borrego where I recorded there was evidence that a fire had ravaged some of the vegetation. You can see some of this in the blacked remains on some of the prickly pear and barrel cactus in the photographs. Most of these fires are caused by lightning. With temperatures ranging from 15 degrees at night to 44 degrees during the day the landscape provides the fuel necessary with the wind controlling its spread through the foothills. Colorado Deserts experience very low humidity with the high temperatures of summer.
La magnétosphère est ce qui dévie les particules chargées et le vent solaire de la planète, créant ainsi un bouclier. Les champs magnétiques dans la magnétosphère interne proviennent de la Terre noyau de fer liquide et de courants électriques qui circulent dans le plasma magnétosphérique: le plasma agit comme un électro-aimant. Les champs magnétiques des courants qui circulent dans le plasma magnétosphérique étendre le magnétisme terrestre beaucoup plus loin dans l'espace que ne le prédit à partir du champ interne de la Terre seule.
Californie du Sud est parsemé de tours de téléphonie cellulaire, les centrales électriques, les lignes électriques, même à travers les parcs. Ici je parle de Cleveland National Park et Anza-Borrego State Park. Anza-Borrego Desert State Park est le parc le plus grand État de la Californie. Il comprend cinq cents miles de routes en terre, 12 aires de nature sauvage et de nombreux miles de sentiers de randonnée. Le parc est nommé pour l'explorateur espagnol Juan Bautista de Anza Borrego et le mot espagnol ou le mouflon d'Amérique. Les caractéristiques du parc des fleurs sauvages, des palmeraies, des cactus et une large gamme d'espèces sauvages, notamment: roadrunners, l'aigle royal, le renard, le cerf mulet kit et le mouflon d'Amérique, ainsi que des iguanes, des chuckwallas et le serpent à sonnettes losange rouge.
L'État de Californie est un cas intéressant en termes de production d'électricité Californie souffrent noir et brun-outs ont dévasté son économie dans les années 1990.
Pendant l'enregistrement, les incendies de forêt faisaient rage, juste au nord de ma position. Dans la partie nord de l'Anza-Borrego où j'ai enregistré il y avait des preuves qu'un incendie avait ravagé une partie de la végétation. La plupart de ces incendies sont causés par la foudre. Avec des températures allant de 15 degrés la nuit à 44 degrés pendant la journée le paysage fournit le carburant nécessaire avec le vent contrôle de sa propagation à travers les contreforts. Déserts Colorado expérience humidité très faible aux températures élevées dans l'été.

This piece is from a VLF recording of magnetospheric activity I did near Port Burwell, Ontario on Sunday November 6th, 2011. It was converted into two midi tracks to obtain two scores. Both scores are derived from sounds of lightning strikes as far away as 1000 km.
You can listen to a full mp3 here.
Winter Light

This 1 minute "Winter Light" piece based on his experience of a recent snowfall in London, Ontario. This work is extrapolated from a single photograph of a snowflake and then exported as several midi tracks. Using sampled instruments of a glockenspiel and tubular bells I attempted to capture the quality of light on a wintery day.
Winter, December 14th, 2010, Troy David Ouellette
You can listen to a full mp3 here.
Water Wave