Sound 1987-1999
Theatrics - 1987

This work was comprised of an old break-box I found in an abandoned factory. The work consisted of a radio receiver and a rusted metal plate that acted as a turntable with a nail needle that circled the plate. The motor in the middle was hooked to a fusebox door, which opened and closed. The speaker for the work was located in the pipe to the left.
Theatrics, Motors, rusted steel plate record, radio, opening and closing breaker box, 1987
Theatrics, Motors, rusted steel plate record, radio, opening and closing breaker box, 1987
Footnotes - 1990

In this performance at Black Rock Beach (Point Pleasant Park) Halifax, I used oblong stones to construct a make-shift xylophone. Dragging my feet through the stones deposited on the shoreline I realized that I was disturbing a latent acoustic potential.
I arranged the stones in scales and began to play them on the spot. Eventually I knew that the sea would perform its own decomposition as it eroded this littoral space.
Footnotes, Troy David Ouellette, Slates, Schist, and Migmatite, 1990
I arranged the stones in scales and began to play them on the spot. Eventually I knew that the sea would perform its own decomposition as it eroded this littoral space.
Footnotes, Troy David Ouellette, Slates, Schist, and Migmatite, 1990